Hello everyone the year is marching on and your Committee has been working particularly hard. When we obtained planning permission there were still three criteria to be met and we have fulfilled one by submitting an Arboricultural Statement and full route of the foul drainage plan and the other two conditions should not be a problem.
We had a successful day when we took a table at the first ever Sonning Common Village Day on June 10. Interest was shown and we gained several new members and it helped spread the word about Shedquarters.
The highlight of our get-togethers must be the Hobbs boat trip attended by 46 people. Whilst I am not normally a fan of boat trips I must say it was most enjoyable the weather being perfect, the company mingling, the food delicious provided by two of the ladies from Springwater Church and a small group of Harmony choir aptly named as the Motley Crew entertained us!
Down to business you will be pleased to know we signed the lease between ourselves and Peppard War Memorial Hall for 25 years at a peppercorn rent on 10 August 23. This has been sometime coming and a lot of work involved in bringing it to fruition.
I appointed a small Committee, apart from the Main Committee, made up of Richard Martin, Tim Smith, Mike Woods and Clive Mills to take on responsibility for getting the utilities on site plus the groundworks and this is on-going. As a result of the quotes provided by Thames Water and SSE, Peppard War Memorial offered to have our supplies run off their systems but with separate meters and this we will take up. I thank Clive Mills and Ray Freeman Trustees of the Hall for their help in this matter.
With two others I have had a meeting with the person who can obtain the portacabins so the project is beginning to come together now but we still have a little way to go and we need further donations before we are finally up and running so if you know of anyone who might assist please let us know.
With best wishes
Founder & Chair Shedquarters