Oh dear! Some of you may be wondering why there was no Newsletter last month. I completely forgot, as there is just so much going on at present and Shedquarters is at last beginning to take off.
We are working hard on meeting the conditions of the planning permission granted by SODC recently. We have a working party liaising with Peppard War Memorial Hall and also talking to the supplier of the portacabin, electricity and water and the ground works to be completed before the concrete pads can be placed to take the weight of the portacabin unit.
In April, there was a visit to Wokingham Men’s Shed. We were impressed with their set up and were reminded we are going in the right direction and administration.
We have received a generous financial donation which has been allocated to First Aid training. We are going to book places in September/October for our Day Leaders to undertake an Emergency First Aid at Work course and organising a free Community Emergency First Aid Course given by St John’s Ambulance. Places will be advertised as soon as a date has been confirmed.
Thanks for Viv and Clive for coming up trumps and securing £22,500 in donations.
Future Events:-
Saturday, 10th June, Sonning Common Village Day, Memorial Park 1.30-5.30pm
Please come along and say ‘hello’
Thursday, 22nd June, Golf Day – De Vere Wokefield Estate Golf Club, Goodboy’s Lane, Reading, RG7 3AE. contact us for more information.
Wednesday, 9th August, Afternoon tea, cakes and all the trimmings (provided by Springwater Church bakers) on Hobbs Hibernia for cruise along the Thames. £20.00 book your place NOW. Email info@shedquarters.org.uk