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Membership Application Form

I hereby apply to become a member of Shedquarters. I agree to abide by the rules in the Shedquarters member’s Handbook and the Shedquarters Health and Safety Policy.

Information In Case of Emergency:

Please provide details of the person to contact in the event of illness or an accident whilst you are at the Shed.
Note: We will only provide this information to Emergency Services personnel in the event of illness or accident whilst you are at the Shed.

Please indicate your preferred billing frequency. We will send an invoice by email showing the amount payable and our banking details.

Declarations and Consents

Please read all the following declarations and consents and confirm you agreement with them by ticking each box:
Once you have completed all the details, please press SUBMIT to send your application. When we receive it, we will send you an invoice for your membership fee, and your Membership Badge by email.